Jonah in the shark tube
Tony, Jonah, and I at the aquarium
Jonah and I in the jaws of the mega shark
Jonah would live on the beach if he could!
Sorry it has been such a long time since I have blogged. I kinda sorta got water in my laptop and have been a slacker ever since! Anyway last month Tony took a week off and his boss let us use their beach house. The house is gorgeous, but the beach was not so much while we were there. We went anyway but not nearly as much as we would have liked. While we were on the coast we also went to the aquarium. Jonah LOVES sharks, I think partly because his Aunt Marji HATES them, but either way he was so excited to see them. It was a fun and good trip.
Looks like you guys had fun! Jonah is so stinkin' funny!
I love your background!! Where did you find it at? I love the pictures as well!!
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